To submit a reimbursement, please follow the instructions below:  

1. Access your Thrive Account

2. Select the wallet you wish to file a reimbursement under (Please note: You may only have 1 wallet in your Thrive Account. If this is the case, skip to step 3).

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Marketplace page (if applicable) and select "Get Reimbursed"

4. Browse eligible expenses or filter by category

5. Select the category you would like to submit under, and select "Request Reimbursement".

6. Follow the prompts to submit your reimbursement request

Depending on your program, there are a few different ways of submitting reimbursements. 

1. You may submit a one-time reimbursement. To learn how to do this please see the "How do I submit a one-time reimbursement?" article

2. You may submit a recurring reimbursement. To learn how to do this, please see the "How do I submit a recurring reimbursement?" article

3. You may choose to have a large purchase reimbursed over time, commonly referred to as an "Installment". To learn how to do this, please see the "How do I reimburse a large purchase over time?" article