To submit a one-time reimbursement request, please follow the instructions below:  

1. Access your Thrive Account

 2. Select the wallet you wish to file a reimbursement under (Please note that you may only have one wallet in your Thrive Account. If this is the case, please skip to step 3). 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Marketplace page (if applicable) and click "Get Reimbursed"


4. Browse through a list of expenses, or filter by category

5. Select the category you would like to submit under and select "Request Reimbursement"

6. Enter your reimbursement information and select "next"

7. Under "How often do you pay for this purchase?" select "It was a one time purchase" and hit Next

8. Upload Proof of Purchase documents (up to 3 separate documents may be uploaded). Select Next

9. Select your desired reimbursement method. Please note that depending on how your company has configured your program, these options may vary. 

10. Confirm all information looks accurate and select "Submit Request"

Please note that eligibility for each wallet is determined by your employer and eligible purchases will differ wallet to wallet. Additionally, some programs outline that only current year purchases are eligible for reimbursement. 


Once you submit a request, one of our team members will review your request to approve it or reach out if we have any questions. Please allow our team two business days to review your request.